Mrs. Vandebilt – Paul McCartney & the Wings (bass)
Rocksmith 2014 CDLC
Mrs. Vandebilt – Paul McCartney & the Wings (bass)
My Notes:
When New Light – John Mayer was blocked on YouTube the playlist was broken on number 90.
So, I thought to sneak in a great, but to hard for this playlist, song. When the man on the bass write the song, you know it has a great baseline.
It’s a tough one, but ooooh so great to play.
I show you my first take, when I played the song for the second time. I missed a slide completely, and I am a bit late on some notes.
Sorry for that, now you give it a try yourself…
Grab your bass and play along, just enjoy.
I try to find recognizable easy to play songs for Bass on Rocksmith 2014. I don’t do extra practice for recording, so there will be mistakes. I changed the setup so the the G string (orange) is on top and the E string is at the bottom, because I played TABS for guitar before. All songs are in the key of E standard. I like to thank all the creators of the custom DLC’s.